Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time well spent

Hello. Yes I have been fortunate with my time in the studio. As many realize time in the studio does not mean productivity. I guess it's all productive but when the wheels are spinning and not much is happening it is hard to feel positive. 

One of my tools for dealing with those periods is cleaning or organizing. I start to organize and slowly segue into work. The cleaning can seem like a waste of time when you feel you should be painting but it is hardly a waste - for me chaos is not good. It's so easy for the mess to accumulate - I fight the mess on a daily basis. There is so much work in the studio right now that it feels a bit claustrophobic but I will get over that.

I also have the issue of lights that are mounted on poles that I move around to suit where I am working. Lately they always seem to be in my way. Maybe it's me whose in the way but that is another issue. I find that I get a little edgy when moving the lights. Maybe edgy is strong, just aware shall we say that I am tired of it. Reality check... get over it. I need to embrace these lights as the source for my ability to work. W/o them I am nothing....right now.

I am so grateful for my blog although there are times when I long for the olden days of journals but the reality is they are messy. Wow...times really have changed. Think about the future when all we have are computer screens. There will be few actual journals as records of time. I really need to do both. This is all neat and orderly but the hand-made quality of journals is far more real. 

I am off to sit for my friend Jack. To be continued.

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