Sunday, January 9, 2011

very sad indeed

Hello. I am sick again which is not the best news but there is a lot of snow all around me so I have the opportunity to stay home and take care of myself which I will try to do. I am currently making materials to send to galleries outside of NY. I've noticed through the years that each attempt at this gets better an d this one is the best yet. A friend showed me how to get text on my images in photoshop and that opens up a world of possibilities. No more writing at the bottom of the copy which does nothing for the work. So yes I am moving forward. I have a deadline of tomorrow morning to get a package in the mail. I used to send materials off not really caring if they were returned - not any more I want them back if they are not going to be considered. I have to start thinking about sending them to someone else if they are of no use to one gallery. They cost to much and take to much time to prepare to end up in someone's useless file or garbage.

So I am making a concerted effort to stay in the positive. It is challenging but does get easier every day if I practice positive thinking looking up instead of down.

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