Hello. I found this site today and there are some very good painters and something for everyone. Enjoy!
http://www.greenerpasturesgallery.com/ This is a 9"'x12" painting that I did in 2005 I am getting back to that format it seems easy and I love the possibility to hang a group in a grid.
John and I had dinner plans with two new friends of ours and for some reason we can not reach them. I don't know if I was supposed to call to confirm. I can't remember and that is the problem with letting me handle social things. I like these guys so it is to bad and John likes something social so it would be nice but we are both in agreement that a night home in his beautiful house is just fine.
We are out in EH with John and figured I would continue on Friday's post. I can think of nothing else but my installation and it is fun as I am thinking of being a little adventurous. I am trying to think of how to incorporate my crazy little still life paintings with the grass paintings. This week begins my sublet in the city so I am thinking of coming out here and staying alone as I can do some work and if I stay in the city at John's I will watch TV. This is one of those absolute stream of conscious posts which must be really boring. I feel so good and at peace with myself today and that is a gift let me tell you. It is the possibility of this show which gives me something to work for, plan and hope to make some money. Of course it is right after the holidays so nobody is spending money but what can you do.
John is taking me to Luxor, Egypt around Thanksgiving and then London where He has a conference. I never really cared about London until going with John. Staying in Battersea with Ericka and Tristrum is half of it actually. Not only do they have a beautiful home with a suite for guests but they are great and I like their boys and they have amazing books which in my time lounging I plan on enjoying.
Ok I guess I have blathered on long enough. We were just resting in front of the television and watching "Waiting For Guffman" "All I had was a dancebelt and a tube of chapstick" Classic David Guest.
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