Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wearing a new/old hat tonight...

Hello. I am going to make a chocolate cake tonight for dessert tomorrow night. We have John's niece coming and she is on a gluten free diet so it will be a flourless cake. They are actually quite good and I've made a great cake in the past so I'm not expecting any trouble. 

Unlike the studio. Well it hasn't been trouble but certainly challenging. I painted over two groups of four and the good news is they are better but I'll tell you I wish I had thought more before diving in as - well why go there. At my age with all the years that I have been painting you would think that there are things that stay fresh. But that is not the way I am made. I could make an effort to slow things down and think before jumping in. It may just solve issues that come up. 

I am planning four new paintings roughly 36"x36". The plan is to start with very dark rich grounds and take it from there. I've made six or so of this idea but smaller and I think I'm ready for something a little larger. Having that dark platform to begin a painting is a great jumping off point. I find that the contrast of light and dark and color are very interesting and if things go right your half way there.

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